Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday 09/26/11

Today is a very good day! Went to the oncologist’s office and got the results from the PET scan. I am completely cancer free!!! No more chemo!!! I’ll have to have my blood checked every couple of months and I’ll have to get the porta cath flushed every month. But that is such a minor thing. I go to see the surgeon next Monday for a follow-up appointment. I just have to keep up the healthy eating, meditation, and begin some kind of exercise. My feet and toes are still numb but I can start by doing some floor work. I’d like to start Yoga or Tai Chi but first I need to build up muscle strength. Small steps. A new gallstone was found on the scan and I have had three episodes of those symptoms. I’m going to check with the UCI surgeon on Monday to see if there are other treatments besides surgery. But if I have to have it out, it is an outpatient procedure and I can have it done over one of the holiday breaks.

I absolutely love my new job. Every day is something new. I look forward to going to work with lots of positive anticipation. I know this is the work I was meant to do.

On the dissertation front…I have one participant ready to interview. I should be able to get that accomplished this week. I gave out five more parental consents yesterday and I’ll probably give out another five today. My study calls for six to ten so I will definitely meet that criteria. I’m hoping to get all or at least most of the interviews done by the end of next week so I can start the writing process the following week when we are off for fall break. I already have two interviews recorded, transcribed, and the initial coding done. I’m so excited to see things rolling along.
So all and all, things are definitely on an upswing. It has been almost a year since I began to notice symptoms related to the CA. Now I’ll be looking forward to completing the dissertation and graduation, becoming much more knowledgeable in my job, and honoring my body, mind, and spirit. Of course my circles of friends and family will continue to be huge pieces of my life.

I send deep gratitude to each and every one of you who have been a part of my healing. I know it took a village to make this happen.

Hugs and lots of love to you all!

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