Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday 04/27/11

These past couple of days have been really tough. My legs and feet are in constant aching pain. Monday was the worst, yesterday a bit better and today better still. The lower extremity pain is a side effect of the Taxol. It is hard to concentrate even on reading because the aching is so intense. I have a quilting friendship group meeting this evening at Cristy’s house, but if I continue to feel like I do right now, I won’t be leaving this chair. Hopefully it will get better throughout the day.
Lindsay came over yesterday for the morning. She organized and cleaned my laundry room.
That’s about it for now. Just trying to stay ahead of the pain.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday 04/23/2011

Hi All,

I thought I was going to have an outpatient hospital stay to try the Taxol again but I found out Thursday afternoon that it had to be an inpatient admit. Lindsay called me Thursday evening and said that a bed was being held for me. She had worked that day so she went home to change and then Shannon and I met Taylor and her at St. Mary’s. I was wheeled up to my room about 8pm. When they do a chemo treatment, the chemo patient is required to have a private room so another sick person won’t send germs to the chemo patient. Shannon had to leave about 8:30 cuz he had to get up and go to work on Friday. Lindsay and Taylor stayed until around 10pm. The nurse tried to access my porta cath and after 2 sticks was unsuccessful. She called in another nurse who tried a couple of times and still couldn’t get it. So they did a regular arm IV so I could be hydrated over-night. I sat up and read until midnight when the nurse came in and have me night time meds. I fell asleep around 12:30am.

The gal came in at 4am to take vitals, a guy came in at 5am to take blood, and the nurse came in at 6am to give me the thyroid med. Lindsay got there around 7am. Needless to say, not much sleep was had Thursday night.
They couldn’t start the chemo meds cuz the guy who mixes them didn’t come in until noon on Friday. I had been having such severe abdominal cramping for the past several days. I had to have help getting in and out of bed, I couldn’t straighten up to walk, and the pain was so intense that I could not even get into my sewing studio. I had started taking Vicodan again for the pain (which I hate to take) but it really didn’t do anything except make me sleepy. The oncologist came in around 8am Friday morning and said I shouldn’t be in that much pain so he ordered a CT scan of the abdomen. I had to drink a couple of 12oz cups of some kind of potion that they mixed with orange juice. Then they came around 11am to wheel me down to the room. The scan itself was uneventful. They did oral and IV contrast.

The oncologist ordered a med to help with the cramping and within an hour I was able to get in and out of the bed almost unassisted. By the late afternoon the pain was almost completely gone. My nurse called in another nurse from radiology who was an expert on porta caths. She only had to try twice and she was able to get in. The CT scan results showed “marked improvement from previous CT scan”. There was no indication of any problems new problems. Yeah!

They finally got the chemo drugs at 4pm and started the pre meds (anti-nausea). Lindsay had her friend in the ICU come down and they set up a crash cart in case I had another reaction. I was wired up to it and at about 5:30 they started the Taxol. I had NO PROBLEMS!!! I tolerated it fine and after the Taxol I had the Carboplatin. Lindsay left around 10pm as she had been there all day and she had to get up in the morning to run 10 miles. She and her friend are running a half marathon on May 1 and she is in training mode again. Shannon and I left around 11:15pm and were home by midnight.

The abdominal pain was so minimal that I was able to do everything for myself. The oncologist had called in an RX for the med so we will pick it up today. It’s amazing how one’s outlook on life is altered between intense, extended pain and then virtually no pain. I feel like I’m really living again. I woke up at 8am this morning and feel great. I’ll take the anti-nausea pills over the next couple of days as directed. When Shannon gets up we will go to breakfast (I ate very little yesterday – crackers mostly) cuz I feel hungry again. Then we will go to the post office to get the mail, then to Lowe’s to purchase a Weed Whacker so my son can tackle those pesky weeds, and to the pharmacy to pick up that RX. Then I hope to feel good enough to get into my sewing studio and finish up one UFO (quilting speak for UnFinished Object) and start a new kit.

Tomorrow we are going to Betty’s for Easter dinner. Shannon is making his famous deviled eggs and Lindsay is making her equally famous Chinese Chicken Salad. Shannon took Monday off so he could stay later tomorrow night and not worry about being able to get up at 4:30am on Monday to go to work.

So hopefully I will be feeling good so I can enjoy being with family and friends for this holiday weekend.

Happy Easter to all and thank you again for your continued encouragement, support and love!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday 04/12/11

I received good news yesterday. My CA125 (the way they measure how the ovarian CA is responding to treatment) is down to 53! When I was first diagnosed in December it was 204, after the surgery it was 143, before my first chemo it was 102. It is definitely on the way down. The magic number is 35. Anything under that is the goal, with as close to 0 as possible. I am hoping I will only need to have the 6 recommended treatments. I am scheduled for the 4th treatment on April 22.  When I first went to the oncologist, he said it would probably be 9 to 12 treatments. Sure would be nice if he was wrong!

I’m feeling better this week. I have more energy and I’m able to do more. I still have to take frequent breaks, especially if I’m on my feet for a while. But definitely better than last week. J

Hugs to all of you!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday 04/08/11

These past several days have been a challenge. As good as I felt over the weekend, Monday through Thurs were pretty tough. I had absolutely no energy and just felt weak. I pretty much sat in my chair and read. Not even enough energy to go into my sewing studio. I seem to feel a bit better today…at least this morning. Apparently it is a cumulative effect of the chemo. The more treatments I have, the longer the recoup time.
Lindsay and I went to the oncologist’s office yesterday. My blood work came back with decent numbers. They drew the CA125 and I should have that number today or Monday. That will tell how the chemo is working toward its goal of reducing the bad cells.
We discussed trying the Taxol again. The oncologist is going to put through the referral for me to have it done as an outpatient at the hospital. He does not want to risk a repeat of the first time in his office. If I tolerate the drug in the hospital, then they will do it again in the office three weeks later. My next chemo appt is on April 22.
I had a genetic test (Broca’s) to see if I had the CA gene that was hereditary and might cause other reproductive CAs and it came back negative. It proves the point that the CA I have is environmental. My lifestyle and stress level were the primary factors that led me down this road.
I’m planning to go over to Cristy’s house today so she can help me with the corners on my fair quilt. Glad I’m feeling better.
Hugs to you all!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday 04/03/11

I had chemo on Friday with no ill effects thus far. Shannon and I went to breakfast yesterday, ran a bunch of errands, saw the movie “Hop” (Really cute…I ate a jumbo popcorn plus some of Shannon’s jumbo popcorn) and went to the market. I felt good all day. I took the anti-nausea meds so I’m sure that helped. I’m feeling good again this morning. Shannon and I are planning our favorite date this afternoon. Early dinner at Steer ‘N Stein and then browsing through Barnes and Noble.
I made an appointment to see the oncologist for this Thursday. The surgeon at UCI as well as a number of other doctors Lindsay has talked to all say that the experience I had with the first chemo treatment was not an anaphylactic reaction. My symptoms were classic vasovagal reaction that would not be in response to the chemo meds. The surgeon at UCI was pretty insistent that I try the first med again. He said it was the primary chemo med recommended for ovarian ca. Lindsay and I are going to talk to the oncologist about trying the first chemo drug again. So we shall see. Also the bladder problems I have been having are a common reaction to the drug I’m currently on.
I picked up the wig last weekend but so far, even though my hair is thinning, it is still full enough to go natural. But I’d rather have the wig and not need it, than need it and not have it.
I quilted my fair entry and machine sewed the binding on. I have to have Cristy help me with the corners. Seems I have trouble with those pesky corners every time. After I get the corners done I can hand sew the binding and my one San Bernardino Fair quilt entry will be ready to turn in on April 15.
I guess that is all for now. I’ll post again after the oncologist appointment on Thursday.
Hugs to you all!