Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday January 15, 2012

Happy New Year to everyone! And it is a happy new year for me. Had my CA-125 two weeks ago and it is holding steady at 11.8. Of course I started to panic as it has gone from 11.4 to 11.5 and now 11.8. But I was assured that it is well within the max of 35. Again, it is like any blood test or somatic measurement. It will fluctuate from time to time. As long as it doesn't go up significantly, I'm ok. Yay!!

I'm still anemic but not by much. 11.2 which is just under the 12 that is the low end of normal. But I have lots of energy and I feel great!

My job is AWESOME!!! I wake up each morning with excited anticipation, looking forward to what the day will bring. :)

I am busily working on my dissertation. I spent all day yesterday and I'll be at it all day today and tomorrow. I plan to have a draft of Chapter 4 winging its way through cyberspace to my chairperson by tomorrow afternoon. Then while he is looking through that, I'll be starting Chapter 5. These are the last two chapters of the paper. I'm sure I will have to edit these as they go through the various phases...chairperson...editor...committee...and final edit check, but I can see that the completion of this project is in sight. I fully plan to be flying to Palo Alto on June 16 to graduate with that Ph.D. Yipppeeee!

I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life. I am daily grateful for what, I'm guessing, many people take for granted. I'm grateful for being able to take a shower and get out of bed without help, I'm grateful for being able to breathe and eat, and for having enough hair to use shampoo instead of bar soap. I'm grateful that I don't have to wear my hair hat anymore. I'm grateful for the adventures I can enjoy with quilting and the new version of music with playing bass again and being in a band.

Most of all I'm grateful for all of the AMAZING friends and family I have in my life. My quilting sisters, my Pinkie sisters and Jen, my band members, my coworkers within AESD, the students at my site who check in with me daily just to say hi, Cristy, my mentor Mark Brady, my Channel 7 friends from high school days, my family; Shannon, Lindsay, Wes, Taylor, Sean, Cory, Betty, Allan, Nancy, and the rest of the extended family. Wow this list sounds good for my acknowledgment page of my dissertation! :)

Thank you all for your love. Right back at 'cha. :)


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