Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday 05/14/11

I have been completely pain free since Wednesday. It is amazing how such usually small things become so appreciated…being able to get in and out of cars pain free, traveling on the 3+ miles of minimally maintained dirt roads to get back and forth to my house, being able to sew, being able to smile…:)

I had chemo yesterday in the oncologist’s office with the same meds as in the hospital with no adverse effects. As it was started, I had three nurses from the infusion room, plus Lindsay, hovering in case I had a repeat of the first treatment. But I came through uneventfully. Yeah!

I feel good today so Shannon and I will be heading to the San Bernardino County Fair to visit the exhibits. I have one quilt entered this year. Taylor has a soccer game at 1:00 today so we will be meeting Lindsay, Taylor and her friend around 3pm. It is not quite 70 degrees and very windy so we will probably just visit the indoor exhibits. The last couple of years there have not been a lot of animals so we will not be going there. Taylor and her friend will be off riding the rides so Lindsay will be with us as we visit the exhibits.

Since the third day is after chemo is usually the most challenging, Lindsay is going to come over and spend the day with me. Last time I had a lot of lower extremity pain on days 3, 4, and 5, but this time I have the meds to hopefully combat those side effects. Not much Lindsay can do but the moral support is so appreciated.

After chemo yesterday, Lindsay took me to her hair stylist so I could have my hair cut. It is REALLY short now. But I was really getting tired of the constant shedding. When I would brush my hair it looked like a squirrel in my brush with all the hair coming out. And I was constantly picking off strands from my clothes. So it was time. I’m expecting even the little I have now to be gone by the end of the month. I had no emotional reaction to the hair cut. I have had a long time to get used to the idea. And it helps so much that Shannon is incredibly supportive. The stylist, Kelly, at Wolf Whistles in Apple Valley did the cut free of charge. She said it was her gift to me. It constantly amazes me how many wonderful, kind, compassionate, and loving people I have come into contact with since receiving this diagnosis.

When Lindsay brought me home she got out my wig and put some barrettes in it to hold it back so the hair doesn’t fall in my face. But for every day I will probably stick with the hats as they are much cooler. When I go back to work in August I’ll wear the wig.

This upcoming Friday I will have the routine blood tests plus the CA-125. My hemoglobin was 9.3 yesterday. Normal is 12 at the lower end. The PA said that I was getting a pretty high dose of the Taxol so my hemoglobin will probably be down in the range that will require another blood transfusion. I’m guessing that will happen the following Tues/Wed after the referral is approved. By then I should have the results of the CA-125. I’m hoping it will be down significantly from the last result of 53 after these two treatments of the Taxol.

So for now I’m feeling good, physically and emotionally.

Hugs to all of you for your continuing support, encouragement, and love.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dar, thanks for keeping us all updated on your progress. You should write a book or put this diary in a book format it would be so helpful for other people with similar diagnosis. You have a guardian angel thats for sure besides your personal angel, Lindsey.
    Take care love you,

