Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday 03/11/11

Chemo was uneventful today. Yeah! Arrived at 8:30 and left about 3:30. My hemoglobin went up from 8.3 to 8.4 so at least it is going up. I have to go to the outpatient unit of the hospital on Monday to do a type and cross match and then Lindsay is taking me down to UCI for my final post op visit with the surgeon. On Tuesday, Betty is taking me to the outpatient unit so I can have 2 units of a blood transfusion. I guess it takes 3-4 hours per unit so it will be another long day. But Lindsay is working that day so she can come down from the ICU and visit with me throughout the day. She said I will feel a whole lot better after the transfusion. I feel pretty good right now. My potassium was a bit low so Lindsay has ordered me to eat a banana a day. J My albumin was up to 3.4 so it has almost doubled. It is still under the “normal” parameters but as long as I keep the protein intake up I should be ok. Oh! And the CA125 was 102! Normal is under 35 but when I was first diagnosed it was 204 and after surgery it was 143. So it is going in the right direction.
That’s about all for now. Hugs to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. God bless you! we are praying for you and are so glad to hear that you have so much wonderful support in your daily life! I am sure you know that just becuz we don't post after reading, many of us are following! thank you for blogging! we will keep positive thoughts and lots of love in our hearts for you! prayers, hugs and kisses!
