Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday 03/17/11

This has been kind of a tough week. Had chemo last Friday and a blood transfusion on Tuesday. I haven’t had any nausea or vomiting (good meds) but I just generally feel weak and blah.
On Monday, Lindsay and I went to a hair place and I ordered a wig. I still have my own hair but it is getting thinner and thinner. I was ok with it while I was trying on wigs and when I ordered it. But later Monday night I was pretty emotional about it. Thanks to Shannon and his patience I was able to stop the crying jag and get to sleep.
After we did the wig store, Lindsay took me down to UCI for my post op. The doc said everything is healing nicely and I don’t have to see him for 3 months.
On Tuesday, Betty picked me up from the house at 7am and took me for my blood transfusion. She stayed the whole day except for when she went to get us Subway sandwiches and to pick up SkipBo and Uno cards. We played cards all afternoon and it made the time go so much faster. Thank you, Betty! They started the transfusion at around 10am and it finished about 3:30pm. I had two units. My hemoglobin went from 8.3 prior to the transfusion to 10.7 after. Still low as 12.0 is the low end of normal, but much better. The chemo does not discriminate between good cells and bad cells. It just kills all of them. But it takes less time for the good cells to grow back so hopefully after chemo is over the good cells will take over and I’ll be healthy again.
Tuesday evening Sean and Cory came by to visit and to make dinner. I guess I was pretty tired cuz I fell asleep in my chair a couple of times while they were here. It was really great to see them.
I have been concerned about taking a shower alone in the house, but yesterday I got it done with just a text to Shannon telling him when I was getting in and when I got out. Then I got in my car and went to the pharmacy and the store. I was really tired and weak when I got home but I was feeling good that I was able to begin to do more things independently.
Lindsay and Wes are supposed to be here today. Wes takes care of the critters and some of the outside chores and Lindsay will be doing some housecleaning.
Tomorrow I go for a blood test at the oncologist’s office and then I’ll go hang out with Lindsay at her house for a while. I have a massage in the afternoon. I went to the acupuncturist to talk about treatment; however he suggested I wait until chemo is over. Said I have too many things going on physically to start acupuncture now. So the massage will help to get the body fluids moving and balancing for the time being.  
So that’s my week so far. Seems like it’s been 2 weeks long. I’m hoping next week is better.

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