Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday 06/08/11

I’m feeling much better today. Monday and Tuesday were days to just sit and not move around too much. Lindsay and Wes come over on Monday and Shannon stayed home yesterday to be with me. It really helps having company during the few days after chemo. That seems to be the only time I get depressed and sad. I think it is because I see so many things I want to do but I just do not have the energy to even think about doing them. As long as I can make progress on something…a quilting project…my Ph.D. research…trying out a new recipe…laundry…housekeeping, one room at a time…It keeps my momentum going and I feel productive…I have a purpose. Stuck in my chair, no energy, pain, and, overwhelming fatigue, make for very long days, especially when I am alone.

Thankfully, I think the hardest is over this go round. I have some energy and I can plan to do some things today. I’ll still take it easy but at least I can see myself making some progress on something today. This morning I’m going to look at my Ph.D. research and this afternoon I’ll try to get into my sewing studio, if even for an hour or so. Just having those things to look forward to helps to buoy my spirits.

Hugs to all and thank you so much for your continuing thoughts and prayers.


  1. hand in there, you are doing so very good. you are a unique, wonderful women who this too you shall overcome! our thoughts and prayers are with you. If there is anything john or I can do for you, please don't be shy, we are here for you. God speed! xxoo

  2. oh my that was hang in there silly me..:)
