Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday 1/24/11

Dar was up and walking around with Lindsay today. She didn't like it much; she is still in a goodly amount of pain from the incision, fluid accumulation and cramping in the abdominal muscles. They took her off of even a liquid diet and she isn't allowed any fluids at all until she starts processing them the way she should.....

Despite that, she is looking much better and is much more alert, if a little less comfortable.

Her surgeon was in to see her today; I wish I could remember his name because it is worthy of mention. He didn’t seem real concerned about the lack of bowel activity; he says sometimes it takes a few days for the body to sort itself out after the surgical trauma.

Hopefully she will be able to fill in the blanks tomorrow and get back to telling her story. I have to be back to work tomorrow but Lindsay and Wes will be able to spend time with her.

Pinkey Warriors, I read your Monday update to her. :) She loves you all.

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