Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday 1/25/11

I had to be back at work today. Dar was pretty tired out by the time I arrived this evening. They had to reinsert the gastric tube to remove the fluid from her stomach that wasn’t traveling the way it should. The Foley catheter remains in place, so she isn’t as comfortable as she might be but she is hanging tough.

I understand that Lindsay had her walk about 5 laps around the ward this afternoon; probably about 300 feet a lap, so that was a pretty good walk. Wes was also there most of the day so she had lots of company.

She is using a lot less medication, so she is getting an handle on the pain. The porta-cath has given her a lot of relief, no more sticking her at all hours of the day and night. I think that hurt her more than the surgery.

Not much of an update, I know. I was only able to see her for about an hour and she was pretty tuckered out. She has a little stuffed dog, Bridget, that stays on the bed with her (don’t recognize her without a dog on her lap). She and the dog were resting comfortably when I left.

1 comment:

  1. All right, Dar. More walking, standing and walking more. Thanks for the update Shannon. Darlene, I keep sending you healing energy from Maryland. Yukari
