Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday 01/19/11

Even though I had just had a paracentesis on Wed, by Saturday I felt so uncomfortably full again that Shannon took me to the ER. It was the first bad experience I’d had at St. Mary’s. The doctor was not helpful and made the difficult situation worse. He tried twice to get fluid and failed. He ended up discharging me with a prescription for Adivan for anxiety.
When I had been discharged from the hospital in December, they gave me a prescription that is about 10 times stronger than morphine. I didn’t feel that I was in that much pain so I tried to control it with Motrin and Tylenol. But when the abdominal pressure began to raise, those pain remedies did not take care of the pain. That brought on an anxiety/panic attack.  So for Sunday and Monday I was mostly in a haze. I slept a lot and between the two meds I was not too terribly uncomfortable.
Yesterday morning, Lindsay took me to get my hair cut. The stylist put my hair into a ponytail so that there were 10 inches to be cut off. That is the minimum for donation to Locks for Love. Two snips and it was gone. My hair is still shoulder length and I am happy with the way it turned out. As much as I thought it would be a big deal, it really wasn’t. Perhaps the next cut will be harder as that one will be right before chemo.
After the hair appointment, I had a scheduled paracentesis. He was able to drain 3.6 liters this time. It is such a relief to have that fluid out. This should be the last one because the surgery on Friday will hopefully take care of the cause of the fluid buildup.
My PET scan came back showing containment of cancer cells in my ovaries and peritoneum. No other organs are involved. That is a GOOD thing! 
I’m taking it easy today. My back is in need of a good massage, so I will make a trip up to Robin’s to take care of that. It is hard for me to lay on my back, impossible to lie on my stomach, and due to the porta-cath incisions on both shoulders, I can’t lie on either side. So she will probably do most of the massage with me in a chair. Whatever works! I sleep every night in my recliner as it is the most comfortable.
Tomorrow I start the prep for the surgery. Don’t have a time as yet as to when we need to be at UCI. Should get a call today.
I’ll keep you posted.
Hugs, Dar  

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap 10x stronger than Morphine thats so crazy.I fell so bad for ya Darlene i can't imagine the pain and suffering you must be going through.Get plenty of rest and i hope that your pre-op and surgery goes well Friday I will be thinking and praying for ya Dar-
