Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday 02/25/11

Today is 5 weeks since the surgery. I’ve been trying to ease my body into being able to sleep on my side at night. I can be in that position for a few minutes before I have to roll back over to my back. A friend who has/is going through a similar situation said by 8 weeks post-surgery she was able to sleep on her side all night. More patience practice for me.
Lindsay took me to the oncologist’s office on Tuesday to discuss alternative chemo drugs since I had such an adverse reaction to the one on Feb 18. He didn’t have any answers that day, but on Thursday I received a call from the nurse saying they were going to change the protocol and give me two different chemo drugs. I will still be on the every 3 week schedule. (The oncologist had mentioned that some of the protocols were every week.) So my next chemo appointment is March 11. I have to go in on March 9 to have my labs done, but that will only take a few minutes.
I have had some challenges with prescriptions, I think because some of them were given by the doctors in the hospital and now I need my primary doc to refill them. So I have an appointment today with my primary doc. I need to bring in all the meds I’m taking so he has a clear picture of what exactly I’m taking. Shannon is off work today so he will be taking me.
We had such a nice day yesterday. Shannon was home before noon and in the afternoon we ran some errands, went to the pharmacy twice, and even had an early dinner at Denny’s. It felt so good to be out of the house and doing normal things like having dinner out. It was the first time in a couple of months that Shannon and I had been out to dinner or any other meal. My appetite is still not great so I wanted to go somewhere easy, quiet, and predictable. We sat at talked for a long time. I savored being out and not having a focus on the health issues.
While we were at the pharmacy, we bought a super duper humidifier. That was going in the bedroom all night and I was cough free. I’m hoping that the dry air has been the culprit all along and now that there is moisture in the air the cough will be gone.  
Thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, and love.

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