Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday 02/22/11

Today is a good day. I’m able to eat, get around, and feel pretty good. Wes was here most of the day taking care of chores around the house. He went to the store and picked up some needed items and he went to the post office for me. He is really a huge help and I so appreciate his visits.
Lindsay took me to the oncologist today but we don’t know any more than we did when we arrived. It appears that either today or tomorrow I’ll get a call letting me know when the next chemo treatment will be. There are other drugs that can be used instead of the one that caused me the problem last Friday. But they may be given on a different schedule. So we shall see. I was weighed today and since December I have lost 36lbs. Not a diet I’d recommend and I have to make a point to eat, especially high protein foods. I don’t want to get anemic.
I took care of some business with my district paycheck and the disability insurance. It appears that as of today the disability company still had not reviewed the claim even though they have had it since Jan 25. I know they had some office closures during the weather back east. But I told them today that the 1st is right around the corner and I need to know what the bottom line will look like. So they are supposed to get back to me tomorrow. If not, I’ll have to be that squeaky wheel.
Thank you for the cards, emails, support and encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you are having a good day. My heart is with you.
