Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday 02/15/11

Yesterday was another good day. The swelling in my legs and feet was completely gone. I have some muscle soreness in my thighs and calves, but I think it is my body’s way of dealing with the loss of all that fluid. This morning, I again have normal legs and feet. Hopefully that is one more issue that has been resolved.
I had not taken a Vicoden since Sunday and I had hoped I could get by on Motrin, but last night I had some severe pain around the incision site. So I ended up taking one around midnight and another around 4:30 before Shannon left for work. Guess I need to slow down my mental idea of healing time and listen to my physical cues better.
Yesterday I ate a whole piece of peanut butter toast, half a tangerine, and a protein drink for breakfast, a whole egg salad sandwich for lunch, and some mac and cheese later in the afternoon. Shannon came home and made yummy garlic, butter, salmon and green beans. It was so good and I ate everything on the plate. That is quite an improvement in my eating.
Wes was over yesterday and took care of some house chores and ran some errands. He said he’d be back on Wed to do more. He has been so good about taking care of the animals and running the errands that need to be taken care of.  
Today Lindsay will be taking me to the surgeon who inserted the porta-cath for a final post op appointment. She’ll be over around 2pm and the appointment is at 4:30. Those dirt roads are a challenge when recovering from abdominal surgery. Lindsay bought me a little pillow that I hold tight against my abdomen as we bounce and sway the 3.5 miles to pavement. I never paid too much attention to the dirt roads before, but now the conditions of the roads are in my mind as I prepare to go to appointments.
I’m still learning about this blog. I get your comments on my phone and I answer from my phone. I’m not sure if my replies go to the blog or to your email or what. I have to ask Shannon how that works.
Also, I have had many invitations to Facebook that I have confirmed. I still do not use Facebook that much so please know that I am not ignoring you, I just haven’t completely learned how to navigate it very well yet. I go to it about once a week and read the posts, but rarely comment. I will try to get more comfortable with using it during the next couple of weeks. But thank you to all who have placed a comment there and on the blog. I really appreciate your support and encouragement.

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